Soft Batch Chocolate Chip Cookies! Pure Nirvana (2024)

  • I love what you’re adding in these cookies! YUM! So awesome to hear you are having fun with this cookie base! Thank you so much Maggie! I love it!!

  • I made a double batch of these and it was not enough. Making a triple batch this weekend. The base chocolate chip cookie recipe is just perfection. I used all milk chocolate chips (my favorite) and added some mini M&Ms because why not and toffee bits. I have dreams about these cookies.

  • Thank you so much Madzie! I am so happy to hear your feedback and review! Happy New Year!

  • These are the best choc chip cookies I’ve ever made. They are absolutely delish and so nice and soft and just yeah baby.

  • 10/10 HANDS DOWN!!! I made these for Santa this year with my kiddos and i was shocked! Reminds me of my grandmothers cookies I’ve ate growing up that she will not tell me the recipe for! I think this recipe beats hers! So good. Im already making more as we speak cause i couldn’t get enough. They are extra delicious with a glass of milk.

  • Sounds wonderful with the honey and butterscotch! Thank you so much for making them Talullah and for your awesome review! Happy Holidays!!

  • I subbed the vanilla for a Tbsp of honey and it’s just as delicious as the original recipe! delicious. I’ve also added butterscotch chips as well as a mix of chocolate and they all go well with the cookies.

  • Great to hear Jody! Thank you so much for trying them! Happy Holidays!

  • OMGoodness! That is so awesome to hear Arlene! I am so happy to hear you gave these chocolate chip cookies a try! Happy Holidays!

  • These soft chocolate chip cookies are EXCELLENT! I made them for a family gathering for Christmas. They were a big hit, even Santa himself loved them, when he stopped by.
    Thanks for posting your recipe.

  • For 40 years I’ve used the recipe on the back of the choc chip bag. I was never thrilled with them. THIS recipe is AWESOME! Hands down, the best I’ve ever had! I made a single batch and they are being eaten almost as fast as I bake them! Also, I rarely leave reviews. That’s how good these are!

  • Awww you are so sweet! I’m so happy you loved them!!

  • Tried these doing a triple batch.OMG ,best I ever made and I am 69.????

  • Thank you so much!! xo I’m so glad you enjoyed the recipe!

  • Best. Ever!

  • Agree! Thank you so much Kelly for loving this cookie recipe! That means the world to me! xo

  • Love these cookies. I’ve been making them for several years! They are always a hit!! Thanks for sharing the recipe. In my opinion the amount of chocolate chips is perfect! Can’t have too much chocolate! 🙂

  • Very great recipe! Makes a whole bunch of cookies. I would recommend slightly cutting back on the chocolate chips. Other than that I highly recommend

  • Fantastic recipe. Very versatile as well. The 3 cups of chocolate chips is a bit too much for me. I adapted the recipe 1 2/3 cup and increase the vanilla to a tablespoon. So gosh darn good! Thank you!

  • Have to say! The best chocolate chip cookies I have ever made! Made the recipe exactly as is with the two tablespoons of flour. Absolutely loved them! Thank you so much!

  • Awesome! I love the yummy puff description. 🙂 So glad you tried them and will be making them again!! Happy Holidays!! xo

  • Wow is all I can say, I followed the recipe exactly as described and they came out perfectly. They even had a yummy puff to them. I will definitely be making these again!

  • Great to hear Ted! I’m so happy to hear that you will make them again! Nuts would be a great addition for sure! Thank you!

  • I was wanting a “good “ chocolate chip cookie, but what I got was a great chocolate chip cookie. The recipe was super easy; I did add additional vanilla and I had to extend the baking time to 18 minutes. The cookies are huge and so, so delicious, especially with a cold glass of milk. The next time I believe I will add some nuts. Thank you so much for a great recipe, sincerely Ted Noe.

  • I’ve been making these for a couple of years now, I just made another batch today. The only thing that I changed was I added double the amount of vanilla. And I used mini chocolate chips. I really love these cookies!!! I’ll continue to be making half of the recipe each time

  • Do I need to adjust the recipe for high altitude?

  • So happy to hear your family approves! That makes my day! thankyou so much Sunshine for your rave review! xo

  • My family cannot get enough of these. Super easy and foolproof. Every single batch is perfect and never flat.

  • I love chocolate chip cookies but when I make them they always end up being very flat. Haven’t been able to figure out why. But these came out perfectly and they are delicious! Thank you for my new go-to recipe.

  • My first batch came out very flat. They tasted delious. I add extra flour to my dough and the next batches were better. I think I ended up with about 3 cups of flour total.

  • These cookies are fabulous. I did change sugar amounts 3/4 granulated sugar and 3/4 light brown sugar. Also used 1 tsp baking powder in place of baking soda. They came out perfect.

  • The large cookies are 1/4 cup each. You must be doing a tablespoon per cookie? No worries though! You can always freeze the dough balls if you have any extras and bake them later or freeze them already baked. Happy Holidays Diana!!

  • Just took out the first batch. I always over cook them but they are delicious, not soft but crunchy. Waiting for the second bath! Question: Yield is 12 large or 24 small and I’m up to 24 now with 2/3’s of the dough left. I’m gonna have cookies forever, yay!

  • I have had these so many time and saved it in my cChristmas cookie pins. Have you frozen in individual balls to cook later.. i’ve done it before but I can’t remember what recipe and they came out good.

  • I’m so honored to hear you’re adding these cookies to your favorite list! Thank you so much for trying it!! Happiest of holidays to you!

  • It’s not a cakey type of cookie as you would find in whoopie pies. They are soft and chewy and not cake-like. It would be up to you to decide if you wanted to use them as a cookie sandwich though! 🙂 You might like this recipe for that. Happy Holidays!!

  • Are these soft enough to use them as whoopie pies?

  • I just made this recipe and these cookies were sooo yummy!!! I will definitely be adding this recipe to my favs list!!! ????

  • These are amazing! Do you have nutrition facts on them?

  • Great recipe! Definitely recommend!

  • It sounds like you had too much flour. How did you measure it?

  • The dough came out really dry- and we followed the recipe exactly. Would’ve added an egg white for more liquid- but we used our last two eggs. Added a bit of milk until the consistency was better. Cookies came out dry, crumbly. Bummed out!

  • I think they would be fine as bars, but I haven’t tried it myself Jan! If you try it let us know! 🙂

  • How do you think they would be as a bar instead of cookies.

  • That’s awesome Kellie! Thank you so much for letting me know!!

  • These are the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever made! So excited to finally find the perfect recipe!

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  • I totally agree! I am always excited for a cookie recipe that doesn’t require chilling too! Thank you so much Janine!

  • I’ve tried so many chocolate chip cookie recipes and these are the best!! So easy too, love that I don’t have to chill the dough

  • My new favorite chocolate chip cookies! They were perfect! Thanks!

  • They were awesome! Soft on the top and firm on the bottom.. I followed the recipe except I was afraid there would be too much chocolate so I only used 2 cups of chips. They were such a hit with the family I might add the extra cup next time. Thank you!

  • You can do it either way Ed. Hope you enjoy!

  • Did you mix the flour, salt, and baking soda before adding it to the wet mix or one at a time into the wet mix?

  • Weird, maybe it was the butter you used since there are different brands, they could vary, or your dough was way too warm from the butter being too hot? I’m glad they worked out for you, sounds like chilling helped! Thanks Cheyenne!!

  • I’ve made these cookies once before and they were AMAZING!! I made them a second time & the dough was just too wet no matter how much flour I added. I ended up just putting the dough in the fridge over night & they came out just fine. Maybe I used too much butter?

  • This is my go to recipe and literally everyone loves them. The perfect chocolate chip cookie!

  • Wow wow wow

    I’ve made cookies for a lot of years, meanly nestles recipe… but yesterday I wanted a different kind of cookie, so I made yours, and wow I LOVE THEM !!
    I added some toasted pecans on half of the dough.
    A little less butter ( I always find myself using less butter better) and it was perfect!! I’m so in love !! Today I had another one and they are still very soft.

    Just one thing my half with just chocolate chip did spread a little, but my pecan half was perfect

  • Great to hear Diane! I’m glad the were a huge hit and were named ‘crack’ cookies by your daughter. I can’t wait to try them with whole-wheat flour now. Thank you so much for you feedback! xo

  • I also have used various Chocolate Chip Cookie recipes throughout the years, not always satisfied with the results. Toll House cookies, spread too much, the Crisco recipe was good, but didn’t spread enough, and we’ll, Crisco isn’t that good for you. I made this recipe the other day at my daughter’s with my grandchildren and they were a huge hit! My daughter is calling them ‘Crack ‘ cookies! ???? I used whole wheat flour as that was what my daughter had on hand, and I think they added to the flavor. I am making another batch at home now.vMy ovenbis finicky and I’m using mostly white flour. Anxiosvto see how they turn out. Thanks for this recipe.

  • I’m so excited to hear that Shelly! Thank you so much for your feedback and experiences and challenges of finding a good chocolate chip cookie recipe, that led you here. 🙂 I’m honored! xo

  • During this Covid stay at home time I have taken advantage of the extra time at home to find a chocolate chip cookie recipe that I Lille enough to make a second time. Over the years I have made countless recipes and none of them stood out enough to get a repeat. That’s is, until this recipe. It is hands down the best I’ve ever tried and as I type this review I’m waiting on the butter to cool for yet another batch. Thank you for sharing!

  • By not over-baking them is the key. Hope you enjoy!

  • Question: what keeps the cookies soft ?

  • OMG I love the drive by idea! That is the sweetest gesture Deborah. Thank you so much for sharing. xo

  • The best chocolate chip cookie I have ever had! My children and grandchildren love these cookies so much that I had to make six dozen during the covid-19 lock down and did a “drive by” to put them in their mail boxes. The best.

  • No, that will be fine, just omit the salt from the recipe. 🙂 Enjoy!

  • Question: what if you only have salted butter? Will that change the recipe much?

  • I’m so glad to hear Rubie! Thank you so much for making them and giving them a try! xo

  • I made these and they were absolutely delicious ! I had given up years ago on making chocolate chip cookies because they would always turn out hard and crispy but these were perfect. Thank you so much for sharing!!! ????

  • I’m so happy to hear this Jan! Glad you are hanging on to this recipe and I hope you try more recipes from the blog! Thank you so much!

  • I made these amazing cookies tonight. I usually have trouble with chocolate chip cookie recipes but this one made beautiful cookies that tasted fabulous. The recipe was also very easy to follow.
    Thank you. I will definitely be hanging onto this recipe:)

  • That is wonderful to hear Jackie! Thank you so much for your comment! xo

  • We tried these for a Birthday treat and they are a complete hit with everyone!

  • This is one of my favorites too! I love your description! Thank you so much Savannah! xo

  • these are the best cookies i made for my family!! everyone including i enjoyed them. they’re so soft and the chocolate chips just make the flavor burst into your mouth. definitely making these again. 🙂

  • Yay! Thank you so much Glori!! I’m so happy you enjoyed them! xo

  • Thank you for the best chocolate chip cookies they were easy to bake they look good and taste great

  • Thank you so much for you feedback! Glad they worked out for you!

  • Not sure since I haven’t tried it, but I would probably try 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (and since the flour is 2 1/2 cups in the recipe) I would reduce to 1 1/2 cups for starters, but if you do try it, report back and let us know Allen! Thank you!

  • Only thing I want to know is how much coco to make chocolate chocolate chip.

  • Loved the recipe, but thought ghat you had to put 14 tablespoons of butter!

  • Wow! Your first home-made cookies? That’s awesome they were these! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and feedback Carrie! xo

  • These are the best!! Everyone im my family loves them! Highly recommended does anyone know the nutritional facts?

  • Excellent recipe. I admit it! There are our first homemade cookies. Thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you Sierra! xo

  • Best cookie recipe. Simple, easy and delicious!

  • Awesome! Great to hear! Thank you so much Lisa! xo

  • Perfect Cookies- my son said it was the best thing I have ever made ????

  • How amazing that sounds! I’m so glad it worked out for you Jamie! Thank you so much!! xo

  • So I looooove this dough! I actually only used this for the dough base and swapped out the chocolate chips for broken frosted animal crackers and whites chocolate chips.. this was copycatting of Florida of a local pizza shops awesome cookies… had one and couldn’t stop thinking about them but needed an amazing cookie dough base. Your recipe definitely was perfect for what I needed and got rave reviews from friends and coworkers!! Thanks!!!!

  • Thank you so much! I’m so happy you enjoyed it.

  • Delicious!! The perfect gooey chocolate chip cookie!

  • Amazing! I’m so stoked they worked out for you Francesca and that you commented! 😉 Happy Easter!

  • These were delicious cookies and looked so pretty! I cooled my dough For 15 minutes before baking and made sure not to over beat the dough and they came out perfect! Thanks so much!!

  • There could be several reasons, whipping too much air into the dough will cause those cookies to collapse when they bake, cool baking sheets, was the butter cooled before adding the other ingredients, was the dough warm? If it is, you should refrigerate dough for 15-30 minutes after scooped into balls, or freeze for 10 minutes. Sorry, but I hope you give them another try and keep these tips in mind. Glad they tasted good Lola! xo

  • Wow, when the kids notice, you know something is different! Glad to hear and thank you for trying and for the feedback! Happy Easter!

  • These cookies were amazing! I make chocolate chip cookies all the time and my kids asked, “what did you do different , Mom?” They loved them. Definitely will make again! Thank you!

  • Well I’m a little disappointed because mine are not thick. They kind of flattened out. The dough was super thick so I couldn’t add any more flour. Tasted good!

  • So happy to hear you enjoyed them Melissa! Thank you so much for your feedback! xo

  • I made these today but the yield is much more than it says. I used a 1/4 cup full size ice cream scoop and got 2 1/2 dozen cookies. Much more than the one dozen it says in the recipe. In case anyone needs a certain amount of cookies. Soooooo good!

  • Good idea!! Thank you so much Debbi! xo

  • Yummy – but I only had on hand 1/2 of the chocolate chips. They are still awesome!
    I’ll try it again after I get more chocolate chips. I can’t wait!

  • Yes you can still use salted butter, just omit salt in recipe like you stated. Enjoy!

  • Hi, I was planning on making these today, but only have salted butter. Can I still use 14 tbs, but omit the extra salt that’s added?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Just made these and they turned out amazing! I’m so happy. The last time I tried to make chocolate chip cookies, they just tasted like flour :/ These are soft and thick and gooey and crispy! My dream cookie!

  • Hi Sham! In the recipe, click on the metric conversion and it will switch to grams for you. Hope you enjoy!! xo

  • Hi, could you please give me the weight of the flour in grams as not all cups are the same size.

  • Absolutely the best recipe I’ve ever made….awesome ty for it.

  • Yes you can Brenda! Just scoop them out or roll in balls and place them on a cookie sheet and let them freeze for about 30 mins and then you can put them in a freezer bag. Use them when you’re ready. It’s basically like any frozen cookie dough you would buy in the freezer, and would require a couple more minutes for baking since the dough is frozen. I agree, this cookie recipe is the best! Thanks for the love Brenda!! xo

  • Have been making these for a few years now and they are our favourite go to cookie. They are THE BEST!!!!

    Can I freeze the dough?

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  • Wow! That is so awesome Katy! Wootwoot! That literally makes my day to hear this! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! xo

  • I’m not exaggerating when I say I have made this cookie recipe over 20 times in the last year since I discovered it. Great job! Thank you!

  • Yay Jennifer! These are the ultimate for sure. Thank you so much for commenting, it really is sweet of you! xo

  • This is now the only chocolate chip cookie recipe that I use!!! Perfect

  • I’m so excited you found them amazing! I’m so happy Lisa! Thank you so much for your awesome review! xo

  • I made a double batch of these cookies last night for an event at my child’s school. I taste tested one for QC purposes only 😉 and they are amazing!! They have the perfect taste, and the perfect combination of soft and crunchy texture that I was looking for. I have had mixed results with the traditional recipe and always pondered how folks achieved the perfect mix of taste and texture that I like but could never quite attain. This recipe gave me what I was looking for and will be my go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe from now on. Thank you for sharing your stellar cookie recipe!

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  • Brittany, this recipe doesn’t use oil, it uses butter, so I’m not sure where you got you substituted it. Are you sure it was this recipe you used, because if that is so, then my only other guess is that you didn’t measure your flour correctly and these should be easy to scoop. 🙁

  • I substituted butter for oil and it’s so dry I can’t even scoop or ball to make cookies onto the tray

  • Yes you can do it in the microwave, melt it partially. 🙂

  • Do you need to put the butter in the oven? Or can you just soften in microwave?

  • Wow! That’s hilarious and thank you so much for the story! Love it so much! xo

  • Hey everybody, Kathleen’s husband here. Funny story, she baked these cookies for the family early in the morning, we each had one before we left for school and work and they were fine.

    Flash foreword 7 hours, the kids and I come home to a wasted Kathleen sprawled out on the kitchen floor, mouth and fingers covered in chocolate.

    We can only assume from the empty tray and oven (that was still on, by the way) that she had not only eaten the rest of our 40 cookies all on her own, but judging from the lack of sugar, chocolate chips and vanilla, she had made upwards of 6 MORE BATCHES and ate those too!

    Needless to say, we stayed at my brother’s house that night. She’s been slowly tearing this family apart, and I apologize for her rude behavior.

    We now only see Kathleen every other month, where she constantly asks us to, quote “make me more cookies or end my miserable existence.”

    Not sure if the cookies were so good they made her lose her grasp on reality, or if she’s been like this since the day we got married 15 years ago, but all I know is a I made the right choice in dumping her like last night’s leftover lasagna.

  • How wonderful of you to do that for your friend. Thank you so much, I really hope they enjoyed! xo

  • I just made this for the family of a sick friend. It was delicious. Thank-you for posting this recipe.

  • I haven’t tried it with any sugar substitutes, so not sure Kathleen. If I was going to use a sugar substitute, I would use Lakanto, but I really think cookies are one of the hardest categories when using sugar substitutes, especially when it comes to chocolate chip cookies, specifically. They are just ‘meh’…nothing special. I think I need to come up with a good soft batch chocolate chip cookie that tastes amazing. Stay tuned!

  • Yikes! I usually substitute Swerve sugar for regular sugar in everything. This recipe it was a dry cookie, did not spread, and tasted like a lump of cooked dough. WTH! I can’t use real sugar—so what else can you say to improve? Wasted a lot of ingredients…hubby ate them as Pitty cookies, not me! Help!

  • This is the best chocolate chip recipe I’ve made. I’m making them twice in two weeks they were so popular. Thanks for the great recipe!!

  • Yes you could do it that way as well, partially melted. Enjoy!

  • Can you melt the butter in the microwave instead of the metal bowl in the oven?

  • I’m so glad you enjoyed them Andrea! Thank you so much & Happy Holidays! xo

  • La mejor receta de galletas de chocolate!!!! Gracias!

  • Best chocolate chip cookies recipe i have used so far. Delicious, thank you!

  • So happy to hear you enjoyed them Krista! That makes my day! xo

  • I don’t know how big everyone makes their cookies but I got 4 and a half dozen out of this recipie! They tasted great! Very soft. Next time I’ll probably lessen the chocolate chips by a half cup maybe (never said that in my entire life!) because I found I was dropping chips out and had a ton left in the bowl. I felt like I didn’t have enough filling or batter to stick it all together. Either way I couldn’t stop eating them and neither could my carpet installers so I’m glad it made more than expected! Thank you.

  • Love these cookies!!
    My go to for chocolate chip. Have made them 3 times now. Didn’t change a thing!!
    Great Recipe!!

  • Pingback: Thick and Chewy Chocolate Emergency Cookies

  • Thank you so much Tamara for your kind review! So happy you are enjoying it! Happy Holidays! xo

  • I live in Ecuador in high elevation. The extra flour is JUST the right touch for this high-rise batch! Thanks! So many chocolate chips!!! ???? Haha! I did add a bit more sugars (1 1/4C white + 3/4 C brown) bc of the additional flour. I make q medium sized cookie & it takes about 8 min for perfection. I agree w/above – no need to look further for any other classic recipe. THIS is the one. Thanks for the share. ????????

  • Happy Holidays to you as well Charlotte! xo Hope you enjoy!!

  • Thanks Kim. That is a LOT of butter. I am going to go make them right now! Happy Holidays to you!

  • Yes Charlotte! It’s 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons butter. They are tasty!

  • 14 (fourteen) tablespoons of butter!?

  • So happy to hear that Deborah! You are very welcome!! xo

  • The best chocolate chip cookie ever. Crispy edges and soft, chewy centers. This is the last recipe you will need. Can’t stop eating them. Thanks for sharing.

  • Wow! That sounds spectacular! Thank you so much!! xo

  • Amazing! I used Ghirardelli chocolate chips too but also Ghirardelli dark chocolate melting wafers, which are like huge chocolate chips. Simply over the top amazing!

  • fluff flour and spoon!

  • I do the fluff and spoon method! 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

  • Hey! did you use your measuring cup to scoop out the flour or did you ‘fluff’ and measure the flour into the measuring cup, a spoonful at a time?

  • Thanks for your feedback Ted. They are better if you do underbake them a bit and yes they will be a little pale. If you bake them longer, of course, they will be more golden, but they also will not be as chewy. Glad you enjoyed them!! xo

  • Yay! Thank you so much Lizzy! xo

  • I love your add-ins! I might have to steal that combo for sure! haha! Thank you so much for commenting! xo

  • These are amazing! I used dark chocolate and dark chocolate espresso chips. A sprinkle of flaked sea salt just out of the oven. Nirvana!

  • Mina turn out wonderful and I add the salt too

  • Increased the temp to 360°, and the time to 18 minutes and they are still pale on top. But I love that they are a thick cookie, not dried out, and yes they are quite yummy

  • These cookies came out just like they said. Soft and fluffy. They are delicious.

  • These cookies are wonderful. They are soft and fluffy and have lots of chips. They did not go flat like other chocolate chip cookies.

  • I’m not sure, if you do, let us know! I know applesauce works well in pumpkin cookies though!

  • Can I substitute the eggs with applesauce?

  • These are amazing and so rich

  • Glad to hear Judy! Thank you so much for your feedback! xo

  • My first dozen didn’t brown at all and looked too pale. They almost didn’t look like they were done but they were delicious. I turned oven up to 375 for next batch and baked for 8 minutes. They were slightly brown around the edge and still soft inside. Absolutely delicious! I will definitely make these again.

  • Thank you so much for the high review. I’m so glad you love them! xo

  • I have made these several times, they are the best chocolate chip cookies ever!!

  • Hi Monica, either the butter wasn’t cooled enough when you added the other ingredients, so anytime your dough is a little warm, it will cause spreading out and if your baking sheets are warm as well, that will cause them to flatten out some. Chilling the dough can help the dough from spreading out too. Hope this helps. xo

  • Hi! My fiance loved the way these turned out. However, mine came out just a tad flat. I didn’t use the extra flour, and I’m wondering if that’s the reason. Any advice?

  • I’m so glad to hear this. That is so cool to hear more requests for the cookies. Thank you for that and I’m so excited they were your granddaughter’s request for her birthday! Love the idea of adding the cocoa powder and why not? I’m all about the chocolate! xo

  • These are my go to cookies! I have added 1/2 cup cocoa powder also to make chocolate chocolate cookies or chocolate peanut butter cookies. My granddaughter asked for these for her birthday to take to school. They raved about them!! The staff wanted the recipe and the kids asked that I make them again for snack time. Thank you! Thank you!

  • Yay! I love underbaking them too like you do. Can’t go wrong with dark Dove chocolate and the ice cream sandwiches either! Thank you so much Jessica!!! xo

  • I’ve made these cookies so many times and they are hands down, the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever made. I make them for 12 min in oven (they will look underdone but they aren’t!!), chocolate chunk with dove 66% bars (x4 bars) and 1/4 cup sized. People are always dying for more when we serve them to friends. We’ve also made them into chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches!

  • Makes 1 dozen large using using 1/4 scoop or ice cream scoop size or 2 dozen small cookies using a large tablespoonful or small scoop. Hope that helps and you love them Mandy! 🙂

  • How many does this batch make?

  • Aww thank you so much Diana! We love them too!

  • These are the best chocolate chip cookies ever!!!?

  • Yay Michelle! I’m so happy they were a hit! Great idea about the egg yolk, it’s a great trick for sure. Thanks so much for making them. 🙂

  • I’m so glad you and your family enjoyed them and that’s awesome to hear you baked from scratch. I hope you continue! Have a great 4th! xo

  • This is a great recipe.. Made them for the 4 th of July my family thought they were from store… Thank you for sharing!!!
    FYI my first tune making cookies from scratch…

  • I doubled this batch and they were wonderful! A huge hit with the kids (and adults) at our July 4th celebration! I did make one variation. my granny taught me – traded out one egg for just a yoke! It added a little bit more soft chewiness! Yummy!

  • I love that Anna! xo

  • Sprinkling sea salt on top of the cookies fresh out of the oven is a must.

  • That’s great to hear Jennifer! I’m excited too! Thanks so much for the rave review! xo

  • Absolutely best cookies EVER! I’m super excited to hear how much my family enjoyed them! Thank you girl!

  • Thanks so much Gwen! xo

  • These cookies we’re really good. But to me didn’t have that much flavor. I liked the use of different chips though.

  • Thanks so much Suzy! I’ll have to try that version some time. 😉 Happy Baking!

  • i LOVE this recipe!! personally, i would recommend going for the whole cup of brown sugar. totally great otherwise!!! ??

  • That is correct Glenda! Hope you enjoy! xo

  • Really use 14 Tablespoons of butter?

  • First, I want you to know his is the ONLY chocolate chip cookie recipe I make and have been making for years now! Everyone always raves about them! I’ve never adjusted the recipe, but have a few family members that are gluten-free visiting next week and wanted to know if you know of a gluten-free version/substitute for this recipe?
    Thank you!

  • It would definitely make a very large cookie, but I’ve not tried it, so if you do, let us know. 🙂

  • Can I make a giant cookie with this recipe will turn out

  • If u use enough flour to pull away from bowl sides like bread, it’s too much flour. I kept adding andgot up to like 5 tbs! Still not come away into a ball. Too much flour in the cookies. Disappointed.

  • Thank you so much! I’m so happy you found them too! xo

  • Best chocolate chip cookie recipe I’ve found so far!! Super soft

  • Thank you so much Lissette! You are so sweet! 🙂 I’m so happy to hear you’re loving the recipes!

  • How would you adjust your recipe for high altitude baking?

  • I love, love, love your recipes! You are the best! Thank you

  • These look so good but mine turned out nothing like your picture! What am I doing wrong? The texture is so different.

  • Hi Emily. Did you use the butter still warm? It needs to cool and if your cookie dough is too warm, it will not rise and be weighted down. You can read more about cookie tips: How – To! Baking Perfect Cookie Tips!. I would refrigerate the cookie dough a little before baking and see if that helps too.

  • My cookies keep coming out flat. Why is that ?

  • These are the best cookies I have ever baked!!!

  • Ooo mmm gggg …our favorite chocolate cookie. My guy keeps asking me to make these .love them.

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  • Thank you so much Sarah for commenting. I am so happy your family approved and with smiles! 🙂 Great to hear! xo

  • Great recipe! It was a winner in our house! I have the pickiest kids and husband when it comes to food and they all approved with smiles.

  • Hi Michelle! I’m wondering if you forgot the salt? This recipe uses unsalted butter and the salt would enhance the cookies bring out the nice buttery flavor or did you use a different butter? Also, it may have had an effect on the cookies, since the butter was melted, but not sure. 🙂 Thanks so much for loving the cookies though! That’s so awesome!! xo

  • Here’s a weird question…I make these all the time and they are by far the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe for me. Today I made them and put the butter in oven, got distracted and totally forgot about it so when I realized it I pulled it out and it was completely melted and not quite bubbling but I heard sizzle sounds. I let it cool completely and made the cookies. They look amazing but there is no flavour 🙁 Does melted butter lose it’s flavour? It is really weird.

  • Pingback: OMG Peanut Butter Cup Brownies

  • Awesome! I’m so glad you tried them again Leaha! Thanks you so much!

  • I LOVE these cookies. I’ve made them more then id like to admit. The first time im not sure how I messed them up so I tried again and they were great. I think it had to do with my baking time. I also use only 2 cups of chocolate chips now. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe.

  • Pingback: Sheet Pan Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars – The Baking ChocolaTess

  • Thank you so much Chey! Perfectly described! 🙂 I’m so happy!!

  • The best chocolate chip cookies I’m ever made! Soft chewey fluffy cookies!

  • I used the unsalted butter and followed the recipe but my family said something was missing from the taste. So I reccomend the salted butter. These cookies did turn out chewy and gooey.

  • Hi Nikki! Yes you can. Just add a minute or two to your baking time. Thank you so much and I’m so glad everyone loves it! Merry Christmas!!

  • These are everyone’s favorite cookie I make now! I get asked for them on the repeat! Can I refrigerate the dough to make the next day? Thank you!

  • Pingback: 25 Rockin’ Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes

  • Hi Maritza! Thank you so much for the rave review! I’m so happy you will be making it again! 🙂 Happy Holidays! xo

  • Pingback: National Chocolate Chip Day!

  • I’m so happy to hear that Patty! Thank you so much for letting me know. Happy Holidays!

  • Awesome recipe but looking at other similar ones that added 2 teaspoons of cornstarch I did too and they are wonderful these will be my go to recipe

  • This is my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe! Soft cookies are my favorite and these are wonderfully soft and chewy. Thanks for sharing!

  • Hi Teng – 198.5 grams and you are welcome!

  • How many grams is 14 tablespoons of butter? Thanks

  • Pingback: OMG Chocolate Chip Gooey Bars

  • You are so sweet Sandy! That makes me so happy that you did leave a review and that you share my recipes! That is the sweetest! Thank you so much my dear!

  • I just have to say, I’ve been making these cookies for the last 2 years and I can’t believe I’m just now leaving a review! This is my go to chocolate chip cookie recipe.. The absolute best! Every time I make these cookies I always make sure to print out a few of your recipes because people always ask! Thank you for perfecting the best chocolate chip cookie, ever!

  • There is 8 tablespoons in a stick of butter, so 2 sticks minus 2 tablespoons. 🙂

  • How many sticks of butter is 14 tbsp? Tia!

  • Ash I’m so glad they were a hit! Thanks so much for the rating and kind words! xo

  • I made this recipe and made almost 45 (what I would call) medium cookies. All very chewy and soft. The recipe said it would make 24! I’m not complaining though, I did chill the dough and had to increase the baking time to about 12-15 minutes per batch. All in all, super yummy and huge hit!

  • Hi Ashley,
    I’ve never used a pampered chef stone cookie sheet, but since it’s a different kind of baking pan, I’m thinking it’s baking them differently than a metal baking sheet would and give a few minutes to set up after you pull them out of the oven before transferring them off the pan. Hope that helps some. Thank you for trying it, I hope you try them again and thank you so much for visiting! 🙂

  • I meant to say. I use a pampered chef stone cookie sheet and they always crumble when removing them. Anyway around that?

  • Are use a stone pan what is the secret for getting them off the pan and them not falling apart?

  • No changes, except the timing of baking. 🙂 Enjoy!!

  • Are there any changes to the recipe if you’re going to make a cookie cake instead of small cookies?

  • Hi Jennifer, no it’s not to soften it. Hope you enjoy!! 🙂

  • Hi. I noticed the ingredients says to use softened butter but the recipe says to put the butter in the oven? Is this to soften it? Just wondering if I could leave it out to soften or if it needed to go in the oven.


  • I made these today and received the comment they were the best chocolate chip cookies ever! I did “giant” cookies, (I weighed out the dough balls to be 75grams each), and I reversed the amounts of white and brown sugar. Yummy!

  • Quinn, sorry to hear that!! Were all the ingredients measured correctly? How did you measure your flour? It sounds like you didn’t measure correctly and or over-measured. Here’s the correct way below, but for more information, see Flour Basics & How to Measure Flour here.

    Fluff up the flour.
    Lightly spoon the flour into your dry-cup measurement, without packing it down.
    Scrape off the excess with a straight edge by using the handle of a spoon or knife.
    (Dipping the cup into the flour will cause the flour to be packed down and will result in too much flour in your recipe.)

    Hope that helps and you give it a try again. 🙂

  • Hi, not to be rude but these did turn out ! I was wondering if you could tell me what I did wrong! after I mixed all the dough it was so crumbly,i mad the balls and the cookies turned a pale white almost tasted like really floured banic any advice for next time ? 🙁

  • Hi Jeanette! Because hot melted butter just doesn’t work the same way as the cooled, soft-solid room temperature butter for this recipe. So glad you are going to make these! 🙂

  • I am going to make these tomorrow. But why do you partially melt butter in oven just to have them cool down again?

  • I’m so glad they worked out for you Kacie! Yay! Just bake them an extra minute or two, that should give them a golden brown color, but be careful not to overbake, unless you want a crunchy cookie, which are totally good too! Thank you for adding it to the keeper list! Wootwoot! 😀

  • Just baked these and they are SO delicious. Mine are not the golden color of yours, but more white? The two extra tablespoons of flour worked perfectly for me. I try out different cookie recipes frequently and I am adding this one to my “keeper” list! Delicious!

  • I must say these are phenomenal! I have been baking for 30 years and these are the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had! My kids loved these and my husband said “perfection”. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  • Hi Yvette! You could as long as you can get the butter and sugars light and fluffy, which might take a lot of muscle power. I recommend using a mixer, but not sure if the texture of the cookie would be the same if you can’t get the butter and sugar light and fluffy doing it the old fashioned way. Hope that helps! 😀

  • Can I manually mix it if I don’t have a mixer?

  • Hi Evelyn, that would be 7/8 cup. Enjoy!!

  • Hi! Can you tell me how much us 14 tbsp of butter in cups, please?

  • Davina, I wish I could have been there to see the whole thing. If you use cake flour instead of all purpose flour that will give you a cake-like result, or too much liquid, like extra egg or using margarine instead of butter. If you made a change to the sugar by substituting some honey or maple syrup with some of the sugar, that could have an effect. Did you maybe use baking powder instead of baking soda. I would bake them a minute or two longer if you’re not baking long enough. Also, measuring flour correctly might be a factor. Scooping up some flour and sprinkle it into the measuring cup you’re using until it overflows. Then, gently scrape off the top of the cup with a knife, without pressing down. Repeat until you have the right amount of flour for the recipe. I hope you give them another try. 🙂

  • why my cookies are cake like? What has gone wrong. Did i whip too much air in the butter and sugar mixture?

  • I’m soooo glad you enjoyed them! I love the addition of pecans! Yum!! Thank you so much for comment LeeAnn!

  • These cookies are AMAZING!!! I made a double batch and took most of them to my son at work. He’s a deputy and his team throughly enjoyed them. I made one batch as the recipe calls for and the second batch I added pecans OMG!!!

  • Hi Denise and hubby! Several things come to mind, are you over-baking, is your oven temperature right and did you measure the flour correctly? Also, avoid over-mixing once the flour is added. Any of these can contribute to hard, tough cookies. Hope that helps. For me, I like under-baking just a tad, because the cookies will continue to bake a few minutes after you take them out of the oven, then remove to cooling racks.

    To soften your cookies, you can always add a half a slice of bread to the cookies’ container to help them absorb the moisture of the bread and they will stay fresh and soft for a few days.

  • Wife and I baked these cookies today and they are great out of the oven. I find they are getting a little hard. Just curious we baked them in an electric oven non convection. She says this is why its hard what could we do diffrent to prevent the cookies from being hard?

  • Ohh Yeah!! So glad you are making them your one and only Alisha! 🙂 Thanks for commenting and come back often!

  • THE BEST C.C. COOKIES I HAVE EVER MADE. These are beautiful and absolutely delicious. I have been looking for a really good Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe for several years. These are the best homemade cookies I have ever made. This will definitely be my ONE AND ONLY recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Thanks for your feedback Mckenzie. 🙂

  • I was really excited to try these after reading all the positive reviews! Unfortunately these fell a bit flat for me and my husband taste-wise. For anyone that likes a salty, buttery cookie–these are not for you. You could definitely tell those 2 TBSP of butter were missing (usually I do 16 instead of 14) and I felt like I needed to add sea salt on top to give it a little kick. The consistency was perfect though. Guess its just a personal preference!

  • 3 cups any variation of flavors. I am so sorry, I transferred to a new recipe card on my blog recently and that part of the recipe didn’t transfer over and this is one of my popular recipes on the blog. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. 🙂 I hope you love them Rayrya!!!

  • Hello –

    how many cups Chocolate chips do i need to add. Am trying first time. Just wanted the exact measure. please help !

  • Hi Katie! I don’t know but if you go to this there is a post from Mountain Mama that gives tips on baking in high altitude to troubleshoot. Let me know how it works out though! I’d love to hear if you adjusted your recipe or as written! 🙂

  • Do adjustments need to be made for higher altitudes? I feel like no matter what recipe I try my cookies always come out flatter than I want. Can’t wait to try these!

  • Aww thank you so much Jenna! I’m so happy you chose them!!! 🙂 Wootwoot!

  • These are the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever made! I went on pinterest comparing a few different recipes and reading reviews to find the perfect soft baked chocolate chip cookies. I’m so happy I chose this one, I will definitely be making these again in the future!

  • Judy, you are very welcome! Happy New Years and cheers to more chocolate chip cookies! 🙂

  • Oh my my, I made these today and these are some of the very best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had! They’re crispy on the outside edges and soft and chewy in the center, and they also have a wonderful buttery flavor! Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipe!

  • Awww…thank you Brittany! That means so much to me! Merry Christmas! xo

  • Just have to say, these are literally everyone’s favorite chocolate chip cookies! I’ve been making these frequently over the past year since I first found this recipe on Pinterest. And every single time I make them, everyone raves about them! Haven’t met a person yet who didn’t ask me to make more! Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome recipe, I’ve made them so many times by now I don’t even have to look at the recipe anymore. Thank you again! Best cookies ever!!

  • Hi Brad! All-purpose flour for this recipe (I updated it for better clarification-Thank you!) You are very welcome and I hope you enjoy them! Merry Christmas!

  • I’m not much of a baker but I want to be and these cookies look amazing. I know this is a dumb question but what kind of flower do I use in this. Self rising or all purpose? Thanks in advance

  • Not a silly question at all! Yes you can do that. 🙂

  • this may be a silly question, but is it necessary to put the butter in oven to partially melt? can i just do it in the microwave and stop it when it’s about half melted?

  • Hannah, if you use a really good gluten-free flour like Blends by Orly or Better Batter Gluten-Free Flour, I think they would be just fine. I am finding the gluten free blends are really great when baking. I have had great success with both of these. 🙂

  • Hi, just wondering if the flour can be replaced with gf flour or would that alter it? I’m looking for good soft batch cookies to make for my mom, but she’s allergic to gluten :\

  • Thank you for sharing those wonderful tips Harriet! Spot on!!

  • To those wondering why their cookie dough was too stickly and the cookies turned out flat…*sometimes* it is the flour you use. I always make mine with BLEACHED all-purpose flour. UNbleached is great for breads and bready type things. My mom-in-love tried to make one of my specialties her son, my husband, loves…BUT she used UNbleached (so many of us bought into the theory that it was “healthier” a few decades back. The same recipe that works beautifully for me turned out so sticky she added more unbleached flour. If she hadn’t they would have turned out flatter, but by adding too much to relieve the stickiness they ended up dry and unappetizing. Just a thought that might help someone 🙂

  • Kaye, Yes you could replicate it in the microwave and yes, half melted and rest a warm block of butter. 🙂 Happy Baking!

  • So is the butter supposed to be melted? Or just softened? From the description, it seems half-melted, while the rest is a warm block of butter?

    Can I replicate this in the microwave? I don’t have a stand mixer, so I’ll have to improvise.

  • Oh I hope so too Morgan! Fingers crossed! 🙂

  • Hello! I just made these cookies and the dough did not turn out but I don’t know what I did wrong. Ha the dough is really soft and is all sorts of sticking to the sides. I did double the batch so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it. I hope they still turn out alright!

  • You are so kind, I’m so glad you keep making them Rebekah! Your version sounds top-level sinfully delicious!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  • These are seriously the best cookies ever! Every time I make them people rave and ask for the recipe. I’ve made a couple variations in that I do add a bit more flour, 2-4 Tbsp. I also mix up my chocolate chips. I usually get a nice bar of dark chocolate and mix it in with reg semi-sweet. And then I add just a little pinch of sea salt to the top before I bake them. This makes them over the top amazing! (It was my sisters idea:)). Thanks for the awesome recipe. I’ve made them so much I rarely have to look at the recipe anymore:).

  • Hi Jenn. I haven’t tried it, but yes I would think you should be fine with a good white whole wheat flour. 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

  • I’ve made these before and loved them! I always have used all purpose flour. What if I wanted to substitute white whole wheat flour? What would the measurement be then?

  • Awww Silvia! I’m so glad you gave them a try! High Five! That’s so freaking awesome! 🙂

  • I am a pie and cake baker and never had much luck or interest in cookies. You have changed my life. These are absolutely the best. I have made them twice and they came out perfect and look just like the pictures. I took some to my dog groomer and they were completely gone before I got my bill paid. Thanks so much.

  • Thank you Michelle! Go glad you and your family enjoyed them. 🙂

  • Made this recipe a few times and these are honestly the best chocolate chip cookie I’ve ever eaten. Days later they are fresh and soft… well the few times the make it that far. My family always wants these as a treat

  • So excited that you and your daughter loved them. Hershey kisses sound delectable in them, Love that idea! 🙂 Rock on Martha (s)!

  • Just made these cookies with my 8 y/o daughter and we both feel like Martha Stewart right now. The cookies are AWESOME! We followed the directions to the T and they came out PERFECT, soft and chewy with crispy edges! We used 3 tbsp of flour, 2cups of Hershey chocolate chips and 1 cup of Hershey Kisses and I couldn’t have made a better cookie. I ended up making 36 cookies and still had 1/4 of the batter leftover, so I just ended up freezing the rest. This is a great recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  • Hey Kim, I would think as long as you use a really good gluten free flour, you should be fine. I love Better Batter Gluten Free Flour. As far as high altitude baking, I’m not very familiar with that, but I would definitely chill the dough a good 30 – 60 minutes or more before baking. Here are some tips for high altitude baking that may be very helpful for you from King Arthur Flour:

    Hope they work for you Kim!

  • Can gluten free flour be substituted for the regular flour in this recipe?

  • I’m going to make these cookies at high altitude, above 5000 feet. When I have made other recipes, directions are given for adjustments for high altitude baking. Do you have any adjustments for this recipe? What will happen to the cookies if I don’t make adjustments for high altitude? When I haven’t in the past the cookies are flat.

  • Thank you Yvonne, I’m so glad you enjoy them and so does everyone else! I totally love your idea of using something other than vanilla. I’m so glad it worked out! Brilliant! You are a genius. 😉

  • I’ve been making your cookies for a couple years now… you are well overdue many, many thanks! It’s the only chocolate chip cookie recipe I’ll ever use and my most requested item when I’m bringing a dish to a sick friend. They don’t want the dish, just the cookies 😉 Today, I realized a little late that I didn’t have vanilla extract so I used mint instead. It was EXCELLENT and I’ll continue to incorporate that until I remember to buy the vanilla. My family thanks you too! Ha!

  • Thank you so much Rachel!! 🙂

  • Best recipe I have used for chocolate chip cookies! Thank you!!!

  • Susan, Hope you love them! I do the same thing!!!

  • I’m already obsessed with the hype over this cookie recipe. Can’t wait to try. Recipes like this one are the reason I keep ingredients on stand by…??????

  • Awesome Hosa! I am glad the tips worked for you! 🙂 Wootwoot!! Happy Dance!!

  • I made these again that same night and they came out great! I did overcookk them first time and probably over mixed it too. Thank you for the tips!! Everyone love em!

  • Hosa, that is a bummer!! Ok, adding too much flour is one possibility, other issues could be over-baking or over-mixing the cookie batter, oven temperature. I hope you try it again and these tips help you out. 🙂

  • Hi!! I made these and they came out extra hard 🙁 not at all ooey gooey like yours! Did I put too much flour?

  • Christina, sorry! There is a bright pink button at the bottom of the page that says “click here”, but this link takes you directly there. Let me know if you have additional issues.

  • Could someone please send a copy of this recipe, it’s something horrible trying to locate it. Please and thank you

  • Your recipe is covered by ads. Too bad because this recipe was seriously the best ever. 🙁

  • Sandy, I’m so happy you let me know. I love it that you loved them! 🙂

  • Just made these , they are fantastic, love them. Best batch of chocolate cookies I’ve ever made!!

  • So nice to hear Jessica! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know! 🙂

  • I’ve been looking for a new chocolate chip cookie recipe and came across this one during my search. I made them today and I have to say I found my new cookie recipe! They are AMAZING. I often struggle with cookies coming out too flat, but I did not have that problem with these at all. I did not melt some of the butter, I just let it get to room temp, and due to time constraints I made the dough a day ahead and put it in the fridge until I was ready to bake them. I made small cookies because I needed them to go a long way, and they took about 7-8 mins, and they came out perfectly! Thank you so much for such a great recipe!

  • Amanda, yes 14 tablespoons 😉 Enjoy!!

  • 14 tablespoons of butter? Is that right?

  • Thank you Bunbunbrown! 😉 My husband bought the Nestle Toll House slice and bake cookies this past week and omg…I am spoiled. Those do not even compare to these cookies. I am so happy you made them and sorry and about the sugar coma! I seem to be in one several times a week. 🙂

  • Just made these chocolate chip cookies, outstanding !!! I added pecans to the mix so much better than store bought And the 3 ingredient Peanut butter cookies OMG yummy thank you I’ll be in a sugar coma for a while , ha ha

  • Yay!! 🙂 Yummy cookies make the world go round! Thanks for commenting!

  • Everybody LOVES them! I too.

  • Click the button at the bottom of the page to get the recipe Amy!

  • Please can someone send me the recipe it has disappeared from the page and I made them and my family lived them and asked for more? I’m bummed I can’t find it back

  • Press ‘Click here’ at bottom of page Angelica.

  • Oh my lord, please help! Where did the recipe go? I used to be here on this page, with the photos. These are the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had and I really want to make them again. Can you please post the ingredients and recipe again? Thank you soon much!

  • Awesome Kayla! 😉

  • These were fantastic, thank you!

  • Yum that sounds really good! So glad it worked out for you!! I’m going to have to try that combo!

  • OMG!?i use ur basic recipe And use white chocolate ,macadamia and coconut instead of the choc chip and it is the best! Thanks

  • Jamie, was the butter warm? Because it should be cooled before mixing with other ingredients. And were your baking sheets warm? It sounds like your dough was warm, which would make them spread out. And if you overbeat the butter and sugar, that can also make cookies spread out. Don’t butter your cookie sheet and make sure you are using real butter. I hope something here helps why this happened? 🙁

  • I just attempted making these and the “dough” was batter. I wish I could post a picture. I had to put them in a muffin pan just to make sure they didn’t spread out into one sheet of cookie. I followed the recipe EXACTLY and even added two tablespoons of extra flour. Some had a crispy top like a pot pie, others boiled over the pan. Not sure what happened.

  • Thank you Alex! 😉 So glad you tried and loved them!

  • Simple recipe and delicious! My first batch turned out HUGE! If you want some large cookies this is definitely your go to recipe! <3

  • Hey Jillian, You’re probably overbaking by just a touch. Bake a minute less and see how that goes for you. You’ll want to take the cookies out when they look a bit underdone, then when they’ve cooled and finished cooking on the sheet they’ll have set properly and still have some chew to them. Hope that works for you!

  • Hey. I made these aND they came out great, at first. The cookie came out soft and gooey and delicious. Then, after about 20 minutes became hard. Where did I go wrong?

  • Lisa, so glad you are loving them! 🙂

  • OMG!!! I just made these and they a amazing!!! My hubby can’t stay out of them!!!!

  • Lucinda,
    Hmm…These should be soft, thick and chewy. Are you measuring your baking soda correctly? Try not to overbeat the egg in the butter/sugar mixture and try adding in the flour gradually. Then I would make a half batch and minus one egg and minus a half cup of flour (yes it it will be wet, because I think there is too much flour in your prepared batch and add to cookie batter, trying to incorporate until just you can at least save it. Try not to overwork the dough. I wish you luck! The cookies should just be a little golden brown on top. Hope they work out for you girl!

  • Sorry, I forgot to ask my last question. Is there any way I can doctor this batter and “save” it so I don’t have to throw it away? (Keeping in mind I’ve already mixed in 1 egg.)

  • Hi! It’s Lucinda again. I’m the one who asked if I needed to sift the flour. I’m in the middle of baking these and have two questions:

    –Mine are not getting brown on top. Any ideas why?
    –I used too much flour in an effort to get the dough to a point where it wasn’t sticking to the side of the bowl and would come together in a ball. 2.5 cups plus 2 tsp was not even close. I am not sure what I’m doing differently here than everyone else. Maybe I melted the butter too much? But it was melted exactly halfway.

    –and so I put 6 in the oven and they turned out too “cakey”.

    –So on the next batch I put into the oven, I added an egg. (Still not getting brown on top, btw.) Was that a good fix? The ones I just put in still seem pretty cakey after 7 min in the oven and are still not close to being cooked through and are still not brown.

    Anything you can add, let me know!

    Many thanks,

  • Thank you Marie! I am so happy you enjoyed them! 🙂

  • OMG is right, I love this recipe. Every year I look for an awesome soft chewy chocolate chip cookie. I’ve been disappointed so many times until now. It’s perfect. The cookies not only look beautiful but taste every letter of the word. I made 2 double batches and combined into one bowl to chill for 24 hours. I used sea salt and half light brown, half dark brown sugar. I added the extra flour also 2 1/2 Tbsp. The only thing I would do differently is add a little extra vanilla. Thank you for sharing this receipe.

  • Hi Lauren! Chilling cookie dough controls the cookie from spreading out and concentrates the flavor more. If you freeze, they should be fine, just a little extra minute or two baking. 🙂

  • Hi! I’m planning to try this recipe this week as it looks awesome! Just wondering, is it better to chill the dough before baking? And if I freeze some to bake again will the cookie’s still turn out as good as yours look? Thanks 🙂

  • Hey Atks! If I made these gluten-free, I would use Better Batter Gluten Free Flour, same measurements as the recipe calls for. I like the way it tastes and bakes in cookies and bars, when I’ve used it. You can get it on Amazon or maybe your local grocery store. If you use your own gluten-free flour blend, just make sure you add 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum, if it doesn’t have it in the blend. Some blends can be gritty that I’ve used, but I’m no expert on Gluten-free flours and learning about it. I haven’t tried this, but hopefully it works out for you. Thanks for stopping by!

  • I want to make this gluten free. What do I have replace the ingredients?

  • Hi Lucinda! I recommend using a mixer and no need to sift the flour. 😉 Enjoy!

  • I can’t wait to try these! I’m a novice so two questions: I’m NOT supposed to sift the flour, right? And: I don’t have a mixer — can I just do that step by hand — or would it be better to borrow my neighbor’s mixer and do as the recipe says? Thank you!

  • Ppp

  • Treez, I’m sorry, I really don’t know about using cane sugar. If you tried it and it worked out well, let us know. 😉

  • Can you use 100% cane sugar for the whole recipe thanks

  • I’m so glad you loved them and could make them with your son! Thanks so much for letting me know! 🙂

  • My 8 year old son and I just made these and they turned out awesome!!! So easy as well! !
    Thanks for sharing had lots of fun!!!!!

  • Thanks Sylvia! I’m so glad they turned out so good and you have a new chocolate chip recipe! 🙂

  • These turned out fabulously! I heated the butter half way in the microwave, used salted butter and added 1/8 tsp of salt. Next time I think I will use half semi-sweet choc. chips and half milk chocolate and up the salt to 1/4tsp. This is my new favorite chocolate chip recipe. Thanks!

  • So glad you enjoyed them Aruna! 🙂

  • Hi…I am just making these cookies…and boy oh boy…they are amazing!!! This is a MUST GO TO !!! Thanks….

  • Hi Kim,
    Sure you can, but depending how much you cocoa powder you add in, take out as much in the flour. I have found over-mixing these or having too much of the butter melted can cause the cookies to not be as thick. I would probably do 1/2 to 2/3 cup cocoa, but I would love to hear how they turn out! Happy baking and thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know about your cookies. 🙂

  • This is an awesome recipe, mine didn’t come out as thick as yours. But it was still delicious! Do you think that it would work if I add cocoa powder and it would be double chocolate chip cookie?


  • Hi Jonnie, if I was in a pinch, I would omit the baking soda and and reduce the salt to 1/4 teaspoon or omit it all together and see? I hope it works out for you. 🙂 I’m so glad you love the cookies! 🙂 Happy Baking!

  • Hi! Love your cookies! Made them about a dozen times and get tons of requests for them. I only have self rising flour. Can i use it? If so, what do I need to omit/add/replace?

  • Whenever I have that ‘flat’ issue, it’s either because I need to chill my dough a little, or need to add a little more flour. And it could have something to do with the too much butter being melted or overmixing the cookie dough. This is one that you just want to mix the wet and dry ingredients until just incorporated. Here’s a link to some more tips on cookie baking:

    I hope you give it a try again. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  • Hi! I made these over the weekend and they came out flat as pancakes 🙁 🙁 Trying to figure out where I went wrong. I followed the ingredients/instructions as listed. Do you think I needed to add even more flour? I was nervous because I used as much as you (2 1/2 cups plus the 2 tablespoons) and thought if I kept adding more the cookies would taste too flour-y??? They look amazing and I’m so bummed I didn’t get it right!

  • Hi Marianne, sorry I’m just getting to you. I would think you could? Maybe after baking freeze them and then package them and send them to give them some estended life. I’m sure once they get there they won’t last long. 🙂

  • will these ship well ( to my chocolate chip loving US Coastie-son)?

  • Thanks so much Tanesa! Tweak away, I love doing that and I’m so glad you enjoyed them! 🙂

  • Thanks so much Sarah. So glad you enjoyed them!

  • I made these cookies on yesterday. These are really good. I did tweek the recipe some. I used equal amounts of brown sugar and granulated sugar. Though I like chocolate chips, I think it’s too many (just my personal preference). I used a combo of semi sweet and milk chocolate. I’m going to make these again but I’m going to decrease the chips some and replace with some type of nut. Overall this is a very good recipe. By the way, I used an ice cream scoop for this recipe and I got 24 cookies out of it.

  • These were the easiest and the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever made! Melting the butter in the oven made them so easy to beat using the mixer. My least favorite part of making chocolate chip cookies is trying to beat sticks of butter!

    I will even admit, in making these pre-coffee, I left out the baking soda! They still came out large and chewy and not flat at all! Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  • OMG! I thought I had found the best chocolate chip recipe a few weeks ago…..then I found this one. These cookies are AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing this!

  • Awesome! 🙂

  • I thought I had found the ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe a couple of weeks ago……then I found this one…..OMG! These are AMAZING! Thank you so much for this recipe!!

  • Hi Kim, several things could be the cause for flat cookies. Did you melt too much of the butter? Was the cookie dough warm? Chilling the dough for a bit might help. A couple of things I would retry is to make sure the butter and sugar is light and fluffly when you mix it to incorporate air into the batter. Having air bubbles will make your cookies light and fluffy as the air bubbles expand in the heat. Another thing I would retry is after you have added in all the flour, do not over-mix, just mix until it’s combined. Over-mixing makes it more sticky and flour contains gluten which the more you mix it the more it develop and makes cookies tough. You could do 3/4 cup white sugar, 3/4 brown sugar instead? Hope one of these help you out Kim! 🙂

  • For some reasons my cookies are not thick :(.. I followed the recipes to the T.

  • Thanks so much for the quick reply! I actually went ahead and followed the above recipe as is and they turned out good. But I was afraid to cook them under 350 degrees since I have past experiences of over mixing (which I tried not to this time, lol) so I baked them under 325 for about 11-12 min. They didn’t turn out as crispy on the outside like yours, but they will do. However I only cooked half the batch immediately after I mixed. I froze the rest as I usually have good results a day after they are frozen. So we shall see maybe later this week and next time I plan to bake them at 350 so they might be crispier on the outside. (Note: I even swapped amount of brown sugar versus white sugar to make them thicker, but they did come out a little flatter. Hoping freezing the rest of the dough will solve this as well, lol). Thanks again for this wonderful, yummy recipe and advise! Happy Easter!

  • Hi Diane, You can just use softened butter or do the partial melted butter as mentioned in the recipe, both will turn out. The cookie will be soft regardless unless you overbake it. If you melt too much of the butter, the cookies come out flat and don’t overmix. I hope they turn out for you, they are delish! 🙂 Happy Easter!

  • I am excited to try this recipe, but I have some questions about the butter. If it is softened at room temp is it necessary to melt it more in the preheated oven? What will happen if I just use the softened butter and not melt it? Will it be less softer cookies? These cookies looks so yummy I hope the turn out right.

  • Kiara, the recipe makes 1 dozen large (ice cream scoop size) or 2 dozen small cookies. 🙂

  • how many cookies does this make?

  • Thank you Megan! Your cookies look awesome! 🙂 They rock!!

  • Gee, can I come over? Sounds like an awesome, decadent cookie buffet going on over there and I’m missing it. 🙂 Yum! Have a couple for me! Yes and to each his own…I’m good with that. Thanks so much for posting about your experience and all those combinations of cookies…wow! You’ve got some really good combos there. Keep on baking!

  • Ok I made those Divine Cookies lastnight and basically seperated the dough into diff bowls so my Hubby could have a as he calls them Freezer Cookie Buffett lol most of us like them warm with a glass of milk RIGHT!!! Not my Hub.. Straight out of the freezer with Coffee to each his own!! So I did chocolate cherry chips, dark mini’s….thats1 # 2 is Butterscotch & marshmellow, milk chocolate..#3 is your cookie my Favorite and 4 is yours again adding these Giant Rasins we have here and there the Buffet Thankyou

  • Alyssa, I think it would be ok to use it. I don’t know how much it would change the texture? I wouldn’t think too much. Let me know if you do use it how it works out? Happy Baking@

  • Can we use caster sugar or will it change the texture of the cookie?

  • Katy, I’m so happy they turned out for you and you loved the recipe! 🙂 Thanks for the feedback and have a great weekend!

  • Just made this recipe and it’s so great! Cookies look exactly like they do in the picture and they are very soft and chewy… I will be making this over and over, Thanks!!

  • I am a bake-a-/cook-a-holic, but the one thing I have never been able to master is making the perfect chocolate chip cookie, and I have to tell you that when I used this recipe I did indeed FINALLY make the perfect chocolate chip cookie! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am! Thanks for your saving recipe!

  • Thanks Jackie, I know what you mean…those cookies are addicting. 🙂 I don’t know about using a toaster oven I don’t own one, but thanks for the feedback for those that do use one. I’m just so glad you enjoyed them more than anything. Have a great week!

  • Also, I baked mine in the toaster oven. So, maybe thats why they came out a little flatter than expected. Still delicious though! If you use the toaster oven, I baked them on 170 degrees for 11-15 minutes or until golden brown around the edges. Enjoy!

  • Just made these last night! They are so amazing. I have already eaten 6 cookies in 2 days…. this could be bad! After adding the flour, plus 4 more tbs.- the dough was still a little sticky, but they turned out great once they were cooked. Mine came out a much flatter than shown in the picture. Regardless, they taste delicious!

  • So glad you enjoyed them Vee! 🙂 I love your chocolate combination in your cookies! I’ll have to try that!

  • Made these yesterday. They were not overly sweet which I enjoyed. I added m&m’s and mini semi sweet chips. Thanks for the recipe, my family loves hem

  • I’m so glad you enjoyed them Colleen! 🙂

  • Should be ok to make a double batch? 🙂 Enjoy!

  • Made these last night and they are the “bomb”. They are so good, chewy and moist. Terrific!

  • Hi… I am baking today and am excited to try these cookies! Cookies tend to go very fast in my home! So I just need to know if this recipe would still work if I doubled it? Thx

  • Thank you so much Kathy!! 🙂 Appreciate the feedback!

  • Just made these and they are delicious. One of the best.

  • Hailee, several things could have happened. If your dough was melty warm, that could be a factor. (If your dough is that way, you should chill it.) Did you melt the butter too much or was it hot/warm when you added it to the recipe? Butter conducts heat more quickly than other fats and in this case it needs to be cooled when you mix it with the sugars. Did you over-mix the cookie dough? Doing so will incorporate too much air into the dough, resulting in flat, spread out cookies as well. Also check your oven temperature with an oven thermometer to make sure it is running at the correct temperature. Make sure you let the cookie sheets cool between batches. Putting the dough on hot or very warm cookie sheets will affect the baking time and spreading. Did any of these apply to your issue? I am so sorry they didn’t turn out for you Hailee. I hope you give it another shot. 🙂 It is always nice to figure out why something didn’t work out. Hopefully this helps. Let me know if you figure it out?

    You could also check out ‘Other Cookie Tips’ @

  • So I just made these cookies (they are actually in the oven right now) and they are totally flat and super thin.. What a bummer! What happened?

  • Woohoo! So glad you nailed it Myrna! 🙂 Sweet!

  • It’s your own personal preference, I use non-stick spray, parchment paper and silpats. I think cookies come out the same for the most part. Others might have different experiences. Sometimes if it’s an older baking sheet, it might leave a sticky residue, that might make the cookies a smidge browner on the bottom. Hope that helped some Megan.

  • Yes Megan, mix on low until just combined. 🙂

  • Will the cookies come out the same with parchment paper?

  • Is it okay to use an electric hand mixer with these cookies?

  • So thank you soooo much for this recipe, i made them and yes i nailed it!! Soooooo good!

  • #GAF that is all that is needed.

  • I am so happy they turned out for you Yelena. 🙂 Thank you so much for visiting and letting me know!

  • A really good cookie recipe, but my “large” cookies took about 20 minutes to bake. Other than that, this is one of the best cookie recipes i’ve came across. Extremely happy it.

  • Stephanie, I’m not sure but, I did find this info:

    A few suggestions for this recipe from:
    Some of their hints: Maybe decreasing the baking soda just a tad and decreasing the flour by 2 tablespoons, for a less dry cookie and make sure you follow the instructions on the butter on this recipe.

  • Good Luck! 😉

  • Here’s a link to bake the perfect cookie:
    Let me know how it goes if you attempt it again and Happy Baking & Good Luck! 😉

  • I live at high altitude in Colorado Springs how could I variate this recipe to best suite me? Thanks for any help 🙂

  • I can’t wait to try these cookies, wish me luck.

  • Thank you, ChocolaTess. I will definitely try them again…although they were flat as pancakes, people loved them! Yay! I did wonder if I mixed until fluffy…I thought it seemed fluffy, but that’s where my limited cooking/baking knowledge hurts me. They looked so promising on the cookie sheet when raw…they weren’t so sticky that I couldn’t make an easy ball with the cookie scoop (when chilled though) but then in the oven they just went flat as can be. It’s definitely me and not the recipe…I just wish I knew where I was going wrong.

  • A couple minutes at least, before transferring to a wire rack. Oven temps vary, so it could be you need to add on a minute or two and depending on how big you made them can result in how long to bake. If they are too gooey, put them back in a for a couple more minutes. A little gooey is fine, they continue firming up after taking them out of the oven. It’s just your own personal preference. Hope that helps! 🙂

  • Hi Dara, sorry, I’m get getting back to you now. A couple of things I would retry is to make sure the butter and sugar is light and fluffly when you mix it to incorporate air into the batter. Having air bubbles will make your cookies light and fluffy as the air bubbles expand in the heat. Another thing I would retry is after you have added in all the flour, do not over-mix, just mix until it’s combined. Over-mixing makes it more sticky and flour contains gluten which the more you mix it the more it develop and makes cookies tough. I hope that helps Dara! 🙂 You got this!

  • How long should I let them cool for. Also when I baked mine for 9 minutes it was still a little gooey in the middle.

  • Please help me troubleshoot…I am not very much of a baker but I try. It seems that almost always my dough is too sticky even thought I THINK I’m following directions meticulously. I had to add 6 extra tablespoons of flour to make the dough not stick to the sides and it was still too sticky so I chilled it. My cookies look like crepes. I left the butter out overnight but it was still fairly hard so I put it on the oven like the directions for a very brief time and then I did not add the sugar until it was room temp. I can’t think of any reason other than the butter that my dough would be so sticky but it was definitely not warm when I began mixing. Any ideas? Am I over-mixing perhaps? I was so looking forward to this recipe being successful and I’m SO tired of flat cookies.

  • Thanks Patricia! I am so happy to hear that you loved them and everyone else did as well! 🙂 They are pretty special cookies, that is for sure!

  • This is the holy grail of all chocolate chip cookie recipes! They’re so soft & fluffy and just all around delicious! Everyone in my family loves them & asked for batches of their own to take home. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Jannet! I love that comment! 🙂 Thank you so much!

  • I’m so happy you loved it! Thanks you so much for stopping by and letting me know! 🙂

  • HOME RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is seriously the best choc chip cookie recipe I have EVER tried! I’ve tried many different “best” recipes but none have wowed me. This one was perfect, I will never make any other recipe again. Thank you!

  • 🙂 Barb, It does absolutely help in the process of soft and yummy! 🙂 They are addicting! Thank you so much for trying them.

  • is it the brown sugar that makes this cookie soft and yummy!!

  • Megan, you can do it either way, but i did bake mine without parchment paper and used non-stick spray on a baking sheet. Did they turn out ok?

  • I did this exactly like you did but i baked mone on parchment paper and they looked nothing like yours 🙁 was it because of the parchment paper 🙁

  • Ana, that makes me happy that you all loved this recipe! Thank you so much for letting me know. 🙂

  • OMG I just made this recipe tonight & my family LOVED it especially my 2 little girls. Each cookie is slightly crunchy on the outside w/ a moist & chocolatey inside. Next time I will add nuts to 1/2 the batch for a variety. I will be making this recipe from this day forward.

  • Thanks Abby! That was so sweet of you to make these for your hubby! I’m so glad he loved it and you are very welcome! 🙂

  • just made these tonight for dear hubby and he’s about to have a cookie hangover! He loved this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks so much for trying them and I’m so happy you enjoyed them. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  • Thank you so much Ashley. I’m so glad you enjoyed them! 🙂

  • Tried this recipe tonight. My kids lived them. One of the best chocolate chip cookie recipes I have tried. It made almost 4 dozen cookies!

  • Oh. My. Goodness. I tried this recpie and I fell in love. Best cookies ever.

  • Hi Juju! They are soft, chewy and chocolatey! I think it’s the best soft-batch cookie out there if that’s what you are going for. Happy New Year to you and yours! 🙂

  • Jo’Ann, that sounds like a shake-up over there, 26 years! It is a great recipe, I’m so happy that this version is yours now, sorry. No not really…;) That’s got to be the best story related to these cookies. I’m interested to know what cookie recipe you were using. I’m weird like that. 🙂 Happy New Year to you and yours!

  • Are these cookies cakey or are they chewy ? Really looking forward to making them

  • When I use a cookie scoop for my small cookies, I do 11 minutes and they are light brown on the bottom and NOT golden brown like yours on top. But, EVERYBODY loves them! I have been making my chocolate cookies for 26 years that everybody loved. But, your variation beat out mine!! Thank you! Your version is now mine.

  • Hi Dori! Can I have a couple? 🙂 So glad they turned out for you. BTW…You made them sound amazing, my mouth is watering! 🙂 Happy Holidays!

  • WOW! im sitting here eating my first cookie from this recipe so gooooood! iv never been able to make chocolate chip cookies they come out hard. these were lightly brown underneath and around the edges and soft and gooey on the inside soooo yummy! KEEPER!

  • Jacqueline, sorry they turned flat but still good. 🙂 Whenever I have that ‘flat’ issue, it’s either because I need to chill my dough a little, or need to add a little more flour. And it could have something to do with the butter being too melted. So many different things can affect a cookie dough! Boo! Anyways, I do wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas & New Year!

  • Thanks Kaliko 🙂 Happy Holidays to you!

  • I made these cookies for our local police department. They turned out very flat but were still chewy and delicious! Thank you for the recipe!! Merry Christmas!

  • Definitely the best cookies I’ve made from scratch and the only cooked I’ll be making from now on…so so delicious

  • Great! I love hearing that Rayana! It’s definitely a keeper! Happy Holidays to you! 🙂

  • OMG thank you so much for this recipe❤️❤️ I will add it to my recipe book , it is so delicious and easy to make. ❤️❤️

  • Margarine is softer and more oily than butter, so you don’t get that good buttery flavor. Originally, all recipes called for butter, then margarine came out and it was and is cheaper in cost than butter, but the end product is better made with real butter. Butter is healthier too.

    So a few key pointers if you are planning on using margarine. Don’t use diet, low fat or whipped margarines. They are full of air and water and will make the cookies either break apart, become oily, spread and thin out while baking. If you are using margarine, use 80% vegetable oil or more. And they texture and taste won’t be the same, but they won’t be the worst cookies you ever had.

    And one more thing. I would not use margarine in shortbread or sugar cookie types. Hope that helps?

  • That’s awesome Becky! I’m glad you got your go-to recipe and could change it up to something you really love. You are so welcome and Happy Holidays to you and yours! 🙂

  • Thank you so much Jenn! So happy you tried it and love it as much as I do! Happy Holidays to you and yours! 🙂

  • Would it make a big difference if I used margarine vs butter..thanks in advance

  • Wow! Ok I just made these. AMAZING! I did switch the amounts on the white and brown sugar. Also used salted butter and omitted the salt. I also used one bag of chips because I like a little less chips in my cookies. I doubled the recipe and ended up with 50 cookies. This is the ONLY chocolate chip cookie recipe I will ever use from now on! Thank you so much for sharing! Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Omg…so I was looking for a new go-to choc chip cookie recipe, and came across this one. I am so glad I did. Thanks for a fantastic recipe!

  • I always just used the recipe on the choc chip bag and was going to try it with that. But your recipe looks like it is much better! So I am def going to try it your way! Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!

  • Hi Becky,
    Yes I have used it in recipes before. It works sometimes depending on the recipe and the ingredients that are being used. Are you looking specifically to change a recipe to try this?

  • These look amazing! I read somewhere that if you use corn starch instead of baking powder or soda it also helps make the cookies soft and chewy. Have you ever tried that or know if it works?

  • Yes, using more brown sugar in the recipe, your cookies will be softer and thicker and have a pronounced butterscotch flavor. Using more white sugar, the cookies tend to be flatter, chewier or crispier. I like the way you think! 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by! Happy Baking!

  • Hi Candace! There are 8 tablespoons on in each stick of butter, so 2 sticks of butter minus 2 tablespoons. There should be lines on your butter sticks that measure it for you. Does that help? 🙂

  • Could I do 1 cup of brown sugar and only half a cup of granted sugar to make them extra soft? Or would that change the way they come out or the taste?

  • Silly question I’m sure, but if I’m using stick butter how much would 14tbsp be? I tried to Google but didn’t find a direct answer! I’d love to try these tonight 😉

  • RIDICULOUS!!! I hear ya! So glad you love them too! 🙂 Happy Holidays Jenny!

  • Oh yea Beth! I love that ‘sweet and salty’ thang! 🙂 Yum!!! Let us all know how it turned out! Thanks for stopping by and Happy Baking! 🙂

  • Made these with my 8 year old daughter this morning, all I have to say is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!! I have never made choc chip cookies that good ever!

  • I’m definitely trying these! Do you think you could add pretzel pieces to this recipe?

  • So glad you enjoyed them, I like your version too! 🙂

  • very good cookies i made them tonight and turned out amazing i used white choc chips and dark brown sugar very good will make they again i got 4 doz out of the batch

  • I’m so glad they turned out so well and it’s the Best Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! Happy Holidays!

  • Best chocolate chip cookie recipe!! I made these tonight and they turned out PERFECT! Thank you!!

  • Make all your cookies using a cookie scoop or roll them into balls, so they are all the same size and lay them out on a cookie sheet and let them freeze. Once frozen, then put them all in a freezer ziplock bag and use them as I need them. Most frozen cookies will need an extra minute or two in the oven. Otherwise, prepping and baking the cookies is exactly the same as in the recipe. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  • Could these cookies be frozen and what’s the best way? Thank you.

  • Yes, you could,the only thing is they won’t spread out as much as non-refrigerated dough, but they should be fine. You might have to make them an extra minute or two, but don’t overbake them, we like them soft! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving Deanna!

  • Can I refrigerate the cookie batter and bake them the next day?

  • Darlene, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, they are amazing!! And 10 times in two weeks? OMG…that’s gotta be like a record or something! Did you bake them for pleasure? 🙂 Did you share?

  • Best recipe. Ever. I just let the butter and eggs come to room temp. We have made these about 10 times in the last two weeks!

  • Hi Holly! I made the larger cookies, but it depends, if you want larger cookies using a large cookie or ice cream scooper, you sould get 12. If you want smaller cookies, double or 24. Hope that helps!:) Happy Baking!

  • I cannot wait to try these! Does this recipe yield only one dozen cookies?? Responding to Hannah on October 27, never use wax paper in the oven. Don’t confuse wax paper with parchment paper. Parchment can go in the oven and be used several times over.

  • Thank you Emily! Yes, you would have to half all of the ingredients, and that’s really cool you are becoming obsessed with baking. I love it and sampling and sharing, of course, is always rewarding. Keep on bakin’! 🙂

  • i love this website! its actually amazing! I’m becoming baking obsessed now! my question is if i only wanted to make 6 cookies would i have to half all the ingredients even the baking soda?? :S

  • Hi Hannah! Awe! 🙂 I’m so glad you shared your experience and it went very well with the baking of the cookies and you are enjoying them! Thank you so much for posting!

  • Always try new things off pint rest, 9/10 times they are a fail on my end. NOT THIS TIME! I thoroughly enjoy baking and never eat what I bake, that DID NOT apply with these, I already ate 3/6. They were so moist and perfect. I baked mine for 11 min and my size scoop was a rather large TBLS.. I put on wax paper, was so afraid it would catch on fire bc it was smoking in my oven. Hope this helps someone else. So bake away and enjoy. Gota go get another soft cookie. (licks lips)

  • Hi Sharndell,
    No, I did not chill mine, but if your dough is warm and melty, I would definitely chill it prior, because your cookies will spread before they begin to set up. 🙂 Hope that helps? Happy Baking!

  • Should the Cookie Dough chill (1hr in refrigerator) prior to baking?

  • Hi Jen! Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by! If it’s going to be more than 24 hours, I would make cookie dough balls and freeze them. But they never got that far. 🙂

  • Hi! Can this dough be refrigerated overnight?

  • Humbled and honored! Thank you so much for the feature! Wootwoot! 🙂

  • Hi Ashley! I used light brown sugar and changed the recipe to reflect that. You can use either, they both contain molasses, so the dark brown sugar has a slightly more complex flavor, while the light brown sugar is more delicate. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Baking!

  • Hi Debbie! I used 2 Tablespoons of flour. It should be a really soft dough, but not sticking to sides of bowl. I think 1 – 2 Tablespoons is a good ratio for this recipe. I’m glad they turned out, you could give it another try though with less flour and you are welcome for the recipe! Keep on bakin! 🙂

  • I just took a batch out of the oven, they look delicious. I used four tablespoons of flour. Just wondering how many do you use? After tasting I think I should have used less flour, still taste good. Thank you for the recipe.

  • Is it light brown or dark brown sugar?

  • Kristi, you can use salt or sea salt. I used sea salt when I made them and thanks for pointing that out. 🙂 I changed it to show you could use either. I hope you enjoy the cookies! 🙂 Happy Baking!

  • Step 6. Mentions sea salt, but it’s not in the ingredient list. Is sea salt required? Looking forward to making these!

  • If you use only white sugar, the cookies will be more crispy than chewy. They will be little lighter in color, and have just a touch less flavor. They might not store as well and may crumble apart, but they will still be good. Hope that helps! 🙂

    You could also use this recipe if you don’t have brown sugar: 1/2 cup white sugar plus one tablespoon of molasses for 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • Can I use all granulated sugar?

  • Awesome! I’m so glad you liked them! 🙂

  • OMG these cookies came out soooo great nice fluffy bs soft… Thxs

  • If you use salted butter, just omit the salt in the recipe. 🙂 Enjoy!

  • do i have to use unsalted butter? what if i use regular salted butter?

  • Soft Batch Chocolate Chip Cookies! Pure Nirvana (2024)


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