Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (2024)


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Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (1)

My oh my, how I love me some mayonnaise! I’m a BIG mayo person! I am, however, not a fan of the ingredients in store-bought mayonnaise. Especially the nasty oils, like canola and soy! I also don’t like to use a lot of olive oil, because it too is pretty high in omega 6 fatty acid, which I’m trying to keep low in my diet.

I decided to play around with some recipes to see if I could make a healthier mayonnaise. This is what I came up with….

Coconut oil mayonnaise ingredients and notes

Look over the ingredients, and you’ll generally think “yeah, that’s mayo.” You need an egg, an egg yolk, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper. All very typical. Really the big difference is coconut oil instead of your more typical canola or olive oil. The coconut oil definitely gives it a richness and body that I love – especially homemade coconut oil, which guarantees that you know EXACTLY what you’re putting in your body.


Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (2)

Coconut Oil Mayonnaise

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Homemade coconut oil mayonnaise made with natural ingredients and healthy fats.

  • Author: The Coconut Mama


  • 1 whole egg, at room temperature
  • 1 egg yolk, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup of coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tablespoon of whey
  • pinch of salt and pepper


  1. In food processor or blender, blend first four ingredients until smooth.
  2. With motor running, slowly pour oil into egg mixture.
  3. Add whey and mix until blended.
  4. Season mayonnaise to your preference.
  5. Cover tightly and leave out on counter for 7 hours before refrigerating.
  6. Mayonnaise will keep several months in refrigerator.

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About Tiffany Pelkey

Tiffany is the founder of the wellness website Coconut Mama where she spent over a decade creating coconut-inspired recipes and tutorials. Tiffany lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family and works as a freelance writer, recipe creator, and photographer. She studies aromatherapy and herbalism and loves to cook plant-based meals. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (7)Anonymous

    Does coconut oil mayo solidify when refrigerated?

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (8)Tiffany Pelkey

      Yes, it does! But it has a nice thick consistency.

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  2. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (9)Ryan

    Not clear on the mustard, are we talking fine ground mustard, coarse ground mustard, or already prepared mustard out of a bottle?

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (10)Tiffany Pelkey

      Yellow mustard, prepared out of the bottle.

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  3. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (11)Danielle

    Im just wondering why there isnt any vinegar in any homemade mayo recipies? Does it not work? Im just wondering. This will be my first time making it and i am concerned about the raw egg factor.

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (12)Ceejaye

      lemonjuice and vinegar both work well in mayonnaise. It is a preference of taste which to use.
      Do you have a specific reason you do not trust Raw egg? The egg has a thin layer that is bacteria resistant, protecting the eatible part from being effected. This layer protects as long as you keep it at room temperature. If the egg has been in the fridge, this layer has broken down and does not protect the egg content anymore and the egg has to be kept in the refrigerator. That’s why in some countries eggs are sold unrefrigerated.
      Also, buy fresh organic eggs. Organic chickens have more space to live and thus much less stress and most of deceases arise because of the high stress and the natural protection against deceases are sabotaged due to stress.

      And fresh eggs works much better making mayonnaise!

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  4. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (13)Chris

    Used prepared mustard and fresh eggs. Used raw, unfiltered, organic coconut oil. Have made mayo for years using other oils. This one did not thicken at all. Omitted the whey but that should not have affected thickening. I am so disappointed.

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (14)sebestyentimeaTimea

      I have just tried it. Little bit of, one egg yolk and coconut oil mixed with a kitchen spoon. It works. My only concern is that it has changed consistency in the fridge as the oil thichkened…

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      • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (15)Barney Clifton

        I did this but the oil has separated when leaving it for a while. Help!

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      • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (16)wonder muchaziwepi

        you did not use enough mechanical force to form a ‘stable emulsion’. you need to use a whisker or electric mixture to get mixture emulsified to a soft peak which does not easily separate. Lecithin in egg acts as the stabilizer of the emulsion.

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  5. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (17)charlie

    What kind of whey?

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  6. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (19)Lucy8a

    I know nothing about whey, so I guess I’ll have to research this! Any recommendations?

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  7. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (20)hamido

    great sounding recipe! Do you mean mustard powder or prepared mustard

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  8. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (21)Montana

    If you use fresh pasture RAISED eggs, no whey, and tumeric or spicy powder(powdered chili, habenero, etc spices) the mayo will last many many many weeks. The raw cold expellerpressed virgin coconut oil has an almost indefinte shelf life as every part of it (if it hasn’t been heated) is antimicrobal. It will destroy and orevent viral, bacterial and fungal particulates in the mayo. And the lemon juice effectively cooks the egg preventing destabilzation in protiens and killing any actively present salmonela and some bacteria within minutes. Now however it is the lemon kr lime juice itself that will cause rancidation eventually as it sits in the fridge, so the shelf life of the mayo is only a few weeks (between 2 and 5 depending on just how fresh your eggs actually are from the bird’s butt, occassionally longer, but you will know right away when its no good anyway) so long as its kept in a tightly sealed container, if exposed to open air the lemon juice does help prevent oxidation but eventually it will go bad, so stored outside of a cool environment the shelf life drops to about a week or 5 days. *more you know star*

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  9. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (22)Charity

    Tiffany: In the directions it say’s Add whey and mix until blended. What do you mean by adding whey?

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  10. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (23)Susan Lord

    I was wondering if you could use vinegar instead of lemon juice in the mayo recipe. I am sensitive to lemon juice (citrus). I would love to eat a mayo that is not made with soybean or canola oil.

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  11. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (24)Ian

    I buy Greek Yoghurt and drain the whey to make the yoghurt thicker. This can take up to four days before the yoghurt is almost like butter.
    Will I be able to use this whey in the coconut mayo?

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (25)The Coconut Mama

      Yes! 🙂

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  12. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (26)Megan

    The whey listed in the ingredients is a separate ingredient and it is the liquid left over from cheese making or the liquid that separates out when you don’t stir your yogurt. It is not the powdered whey protein you buy in the store. If you are not making your own cheeses and yogurts and kefir and such from raw milk then you can use the juice from fermented veggies, either ones you make yourself or buy in a jar from the health food store as long as it is live cultures.

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  13. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (27)mickey

    I use cold pressed extra virgin avocado oil instead of olive oil. It has a much lighter flavor. I have not tried mayo using coconut oil. I will have to try that next time.
    For some reason my last two attempts failed at making mayo. It just wouldn’t set. The first time it happened I tossed it. I felt such a disappointment at the waist of good ingredients so I google’d how to fix a failed mayo and if that didnt work, and it didn’t by the way, then there was a suggestion by a famous chief, to make a Frittata out of the failed mayo. Well I have to tell ya, I did.. it was delicious. I added a few more whole eggs, and the egg whites left over from trying to save my mayo. I added a bit of cream, chopped ham, sauteed bell peppers and onions and cheese. no more wasted ingredients. Thank goodness for the internet.
    I also would like to know what kind of whey and where I could purchase it?

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  14. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (28)Kerri

    I don’t understand the recipe. It indicated oil=whey. Then in the paragraph it states, “If not using whey….” So are we to use oil and whey or what? A little confusing to me. Please advise as I would like to make the recipe very soon.

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (29)Christine M

      I’m having the same confusion. Seems like whey should be on it’s own line?

      And what kind of whey are you talking about? Whey as in ‘curds and whey’ or whey protein whey? Sorry for the confusion. I love the idea of this recipe, but I want to make sure I get it right.

      Thank you!

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  15. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (30)Cassie

    Do you suppose whey from a batch of kefir would work well? Or how about the leftover juice from a batch of fermented pickles? I don’t have yogurt whey available to me at the moment but I’m dying to make this without buying more ingredients haha.

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (31)Cassie

      Ope I see someone posted that my options work fine. Carry on! Thanks for the recipe 🙂

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      • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (32)The Coconut Mama

        You’re very welcome Cassie!

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  16. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (33)kristy

    I am confused on what kind of whey to use. Is it the liquid from making cheese or powdered whey?
    Thanks, Kristy

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  17. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (34)Lisa

    I know many of us are adding coconut oil to our diet daily; so many great benefits! This recipe is too good not to share – Coconut Oil Mayonnaise. I made it exactly on recipe; and just tasted the chilled mayo; and it reminds me of the decadent, fresh homemade mayonnaise you get in a French Bistro. I can see adding tarragon to make a béarnaise, or lemon zest for fish, or garlic and parmesan for a creamy Caesar. Excellent!

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  18. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (35)Nia

    This is awesome. Thank you. I too used 1/3c. olive oil and the rest coconut and man it’s great. This will help my whole30 go much more smoothly as I will make this into delicious sauces I’m sure.

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  19. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (36)Alyssa Bohon

    Love this idea for adding whey! I was discouraged from making my own mayo because other recipes said ‘keeps for one week’ and I couldn’t imagine eating that much mayo in a week and not having to throw some away. I have some garlic goat whey in the fridge from making goat cheese and this sounds like a perfect use for it. Thanks!

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (37)jan gridley

      Doesn’t coconut oil harden when chilled? How does this stay creamy?

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  20. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (38)HillaryMadeline

    Do you use Fresh Whey? Is this readily available in most healthfood stores?

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  21. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (39)April

    I’m very depressed as I typed this… I tried to make mayo yesterday with 1/2 coconut oil and 1/2 olive oil. It was going so well with the olive oil, and then I started pouring in the melted coconut oil and all of it melted! I realized that the coconut oil was quite hot from being liquified! Now the whole batch is ruined :/ It might be a good idea to note in the recipe to let the coconut oil cool a bit before pouring in, just in case someone makes my same mistake…

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  22. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (40)Charlotteoliver1

    Doesn’t it get hard in the fridge.

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (41)Tiffany @ The Coconut Mama

      Yes. That is why is suggest in the directions to let the mayo sit out for a 20-30 minutes before using.

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  23. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (42)JJ

    What about Salmonella? The vinegar is enought to kill any forms of bacteria? & would the properties of coconut kill Salmonella?

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  24. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (43)kristyreal

    I just wanted to add that it works just as well to add some juice from any jar of fermented veggies in place of the whey. I often count on this as an extra seasoning as well as kickstarting the fermentation process. I like just randomly picking any of the dozen or so varieties of fermented veggies I have in my fridge, but the garlic dill cucumber juice is my favorite at the moment.

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (44)The Coconut Mama

      Good to know, Kristyreal! Thank you for sharing :).

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      • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (45)Pardnaxela

        I get that the fermented veggie juice adds good bacteria, but how does the whey work to aid preservation?

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        • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (46)Stephanie

          Whey preserves food much like brine does. In the Scandinavian countries they have preserved fish, meat and fruit in whey for hundreds of years.

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  25. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (47)Donna M.

    Oh, I can't wait to try this recipe! I go through lots of CO here…love the stuff! I've been doing w/o mayo b/c there isn't any on the market that I will eat and though I've made it w/olive oil before and liked it well enough it did have a strong flavor. I didn't realize it was high in O-6s. So, this recipe is very, very welcome! Thanks!

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  26. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (48)sophiesfoodiefiles

    This is a tasty & lovely home – made coconut oil mayonaise!,…Oooh yes!!!

    MMMMMMMM,…!!! 🙂

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (49)Amy P

      You can further reduce your risk by washing unopened eggs with soap and water.

      Also, virtually all of the bacteria if there is bacteria is in the white, not the yolk — and you can simple discard the white and start with two or three yolks … works just as well as whole egg mayo.

      Because I live alone, it can take me up to two weeks to finish a batch of fresh mayo … It doesn’t go bad that fast, in my experience (the acids in the recipe keep down bacteria growth) however, fresh mayo tends to separate if it hangs around too long.

      So I add a tablespoon of powdered whole milk plus a pinch of Xanthan or other gum to my mayo recipes.
      This seems to keep them emulsified till I finish each batch.

      (I am not sure if they have powdered coconut milk but I think that would work just as well or better.
      Skim milk powder might work, I guess, but the fats in whole milk and coconut milk are naturally emulsified, so not sure nonfat is ideal ).

      BTW, you can use the stick blender / tall jar method with this excellent recipe.

      Put ingredients into jar in this order: egg, lemon juice or vinegar, dry seasons, then your oil … Let the ingredients settle for a few minutes, then carefully insert the stick blender in the jar, all the way down to the bottom.

      Turn it on high speed and stay there for at least 30 seconds, after which you can very very slowly move the stick blender up and down till you’ve got mayo.

      (If you are adding whole milk powder I do that last, after the oil … Not sure if it matters, but that’s the order suggested to me by a chef I know, so that’s how I do it. It could probably go in before the oil with the other dry spices).

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  27. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (50)Kim@GFRealFood

    I just wanted to tell you that I love love this recipe. You are a genius. This is the only recipe I can think of that I keep coming back to over and over again and make no changes to. I have used this mayo for everything. Salads, dressings dips, sandwiches etc. The kids love it too. I have not purchased mayo since I found your recipe. I did have some commercial mayo when out at a restaurant recently tho. YUCK! It tasted so artificial and… greasy? I don't know but it was bad!
    Thanks again for this and all your recipes.

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  28. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (51)Kim@GFRealFood

    I just wanted to tell you that I love love this recipe. You are a genius. This is the only recipe I can think of that I keep coming back to over and over again and make no changes to. I have used this mayo for everything. Salads, dressings dips, sandwiches etc. The kids love it too. I have not purchased mayo since I found your recipe. I did have some commercial mayo when out at a restaurant recently tho. YUCK! It tasted so artificial and… greasy? I don't know but it was bad!
    Thanks again for this and all your recipes.

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  29. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (52)Hope

    just made it! yum!

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  30. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (53)Michelle

    I'm allergic to egg. Does anyone know of any way to make mayo with out egg (or soy – I'm allergic to that too)?


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  31. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (54)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    @ Sarah – I have heard you can use salt instead of whey. Let me know how it works!

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  32. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (55)Sarah Schatz - menus for limited diets

    I'm wondering if maybe if you add some salt to the recipe, it would replace the whey. I don't add whey to my sauerkraut and just use salt and it always ferments just fine. Just not sure how much to add.

    thanks for this!

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  33. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (56)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    @Kim – So glad you like the mayo!

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  34. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (57)Kim@gfrealfood

    I just made yogurt and am now making cheese. So I have all this whey available. I just made this mayo and it is AWESOME. Nice work! I'm never buying mayo again!

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (58)Sunny

      First off, Tiffany, thanks so much for the recipe. I, too, am crazy for coconut and really try to avoid omega 6. I really appreciate the tip on whey. And thanks Kim for answering my unasked question. I have just finished a batch of yogurt, and of course will have lots of whey. I already have everything out and warming up, so I will make this today!

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  35. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (59)Anjanette

    I can't wait to try this! We tried olive oil mayo but didn't much like the strong flavor. We LOVE coconut oil though!!

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  36. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (60)Sarah A.

    Thank you so much for this great idea! I have tried homemade mayo many times with no real successes. The oil was either always too strongly flavored or it just didn't emulsify properly. This came out perfectly! Granted I did 1/3 olive and 2/3 coconut oil. Thanks again!

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  37. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (61)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    Thanks for visiting my blog ladies! I hope you all like this recipe!

    @ Kim – The addition of whey will help your mayonnaise to last longer, add enzymes, and increase nutrient content of mayonnaise. You don't have to add whey if you don't want too. It's just an added bonus =)

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    • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (62)Pat

      I don’t see whey in the recipe. I have tried making mayo with half coconut oil and half olive oil, but it was solid in the fridge. I didn’t think to let it set out, so just threw it away. I have been making homemade mayo for many, many years, but with canola oil, then half olive/half canola. I would like to use coconut oil if it didn’t get so solid. Does the whey change the consistency?

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      • Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (63)Pat

        Just found the whey in the recipe! Going to make this as soon as the eggs reach room temp and my yogurt is drained!

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  38. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (64)Kim@GFRealFood

    I am so happy to have found your blog and this recipe. (I found you thru The Wholesome Foods Carnival). I have made mayo using olive oil but really didn't like the flavor, too olivey. I've been meaning to try it with coconut oil which I use for almost everything because of it's low omega 6 content. I just hadn't gotten around to it. Now I don't have to recreate the wheel. Thanks for posting. Also, what is the purpose of the whey?

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  39. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (65)Melodie

    Wow! This is the first mayo recipe I've seen made with coconut oil. It looks beautiful! Thanks for linking up with me!

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  40. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (66)Cortne

    This sounds really good. I just recently discovered the joys of making my own mayo and this would be a great way to use up all of the coconut oil that I have (I use it as a hair conditioner or for cooking with certain cuisines).

    Thanks for a great post!

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  41. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (67)Carmen

    This mayo sounds really yummy! I've been making my mayo as well but use grapeseed oil. I will want to try coconut oil next time.

    thanks for sharing!


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  42. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (68)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    Yes, this mayo gets almost solid in the refrigerator (It looks like frosting). If you try half olive oil, half coconut oil, it wont be as thick.

    Thanks for dropping by, Tara!

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  43. Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (69)Tara

    Interesting! I love coconut oil and go through about a gallon every six weeks. I've been making mayo just like this except for using olive oil. I would love to try the coconut oil. Have you tried a half and half mixture of oils? Since CO is solid when chilled, does it do the same to the mayo? Is that why you have to leave it out for a while before using?

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Coconut Oil Mayonnaise Recipe (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.